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Remi Adeleke

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Former U.S. Navy SEAL, Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Speaker


As a part of America’s most elite fighting unit, Remi Adeleke has had the opportunity to see and do things men and women have only dreamt about. Remi will be the first to admit that he has an exciting job, but what is even more remarkable is his story which begins in a small country in Western Africa.


The son of a well-known Nigerian engineer and a homemaker, Remi lived the life of opulence; but in 1987 that all changed when his father suddenly died. With his father’s death also came the death of their luxurious lifestyle, and the beginning of a life filled with constant adversity and struggles.


Stripped of everything by the Nigerian government, Remi and His mother permanently relocate to one of the toughest inner cities in America- Bronx, N.Y.  Though austere, the Bronx proved to be the perfect environment to prepare Remi for his future as a Navy SEAL, and also to instill a key lesson that he teaches to this day- perseverance.


After years of running the streets, fighting, and participating in nefarious activities, Remi decided to make a change in his life.  In the early summer of 2002 he enlisted in the U.S Navy, and embarked on a journey that reads like a Hollywood Script.




In 2008 God got his attention.  God allowed Remi to fall so low that he had no choice but to lean on Him, learn from Him, and finally acknowledge Him.  And upon acknowledging Christ, Remi realized that the Father that he yearned to have (after the death of his father) was with him all along.


“I truly believe that God allowed me to go through all that I went through in order to make me the man I am today.  He was building my story; a story that would one day be used for His glory. I didn’t grow up in the Bronx, or in a single parent home for no reason.  I didn’t become a Navy SEAL ‘just because’.


God has blessed Remi with a multitude of experiences as a minister of the Gospel.  During two deployments with the SEAL Teams Remi volunteered as a Lay Leader for his team-conducting weekly church services, as well as Bible studies.   Remi also served as the youth Pastor of his local Church from November 2010 to June 2013. He has shared the Gospel and his testimony at colleges, high schools, ministry events, corporate events, conferences, and media outlets.


In January of 2013, God’s call on Remi’s life led him out of ten and a half years of active duty, and into the Navy Reserves.  He is currently a traveling Evangelist, and has become an “I Am Second Ambassador”.  Remi funds part of his ministry with the help of his company; which is a consulting firm that facilitates mental toughness, leadership, and team building events for collegiate athletes, pro athletes, corporations and high-level executives. Remi is also an actor; and will be featured in the upcoming Paramount Pictures film, Transformers: The Last Knight.


Remi’s favorite scripture is Acts 20:24 where Paul writes “my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”   Remi’s daily goal is to live this scripture out in everything that he does.


Mr. Adeleke Resides in Southern California with his Wife of 5 years Jessica Adeleke, and their two sons his son Cayden and Caleb.

Interested in Jeff speaking at your event?

Contact: Vonnie McIntyre

(619) 770-0028

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